Save Money Getting Your Kids Ready For School

Posted on: 15 August 2017

Being a parent is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also be costly. The average household spends just around $500 a year to equip their children with supplies they need. No dollar amount is too much to prepare a child, but the reality is that most people do have a budget. Learn how you can prepare your child for the school year without overspending.

Know When to Shop

The school year lasts for many months – you don't have to get everything at one time. Knowing when to buy is a great way to save. For example, at the start of the school year, shop for end of the year, or spring clothes.

Many retailers start marking down their shorts, short-sleeved shirts, and other warmer clothing. In many climates, but the end of the school year, the weather will be warm enough for your child to wear these clothes. This way of shopping out of season can save you lots of money.

Meal Prep

If you're going to prepare lunches on your own, try to meal prep with a menu for the whole school year. For instance, if you plan about three-weeks' worth of menus, you can recycle them over and over. This concept saves you money because it allows you to buy in bulk.

When certain items are on sale, instead of just buying enough for the current weeks' lunches, you can plan ahead and get the item at a lower unit price. Shopping this way isn't just a cost savings, but it can also be time-saving, allowing you to make fewer trips to the grocery store to get what you need.

Look for Incentives

Many large retailers always have incentive programs going on. For instance, if you buy $40 worth of school supplies you can get a $10 gift card. These types of programs offer savings in many ways.

You could use the gift card to purchase more supplies if needed, save it to use in the future for something else you need, or just spend it on yourself – either way; you've got $10 to shop with that didn't come from your bank account. Look at the ads each week to see which stores are offering the best incentives programs.

These represent just some of the ways parents like you can save money on back to school shopping without scarifying the needs of your child. For more information, visit websites like
